
Best Blogging Tools To Grow Your Blog In 2024

Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to make money online. Many bloggers make a living online by blogging and selling their products or services. Many blogging tools are available to help you grow your blog in 2024. You can use these tools to increase traffic, improve your content, and monetize your blog.

There are many tools available to help you grow your blog. Which ones are best for you will depend on your goals and resources — but these tools can get you started with some of the most important aspects of blogging. Here are some of the best blogging tools to grow your blog:


Grammarly is a free online grammar checker to help you correct grammar mistakes. You can use this tool in Microsoft Word or your browser, which makes it easy to pair with any blogging tool you use. This is an excellent tool for bloggers who know their grammar and spelling are strong but need help proofreading.

Grammarly has an online browser extension, so you can use it as you write your blog posts. It’s also available as a plug-in for Microsoft Word, which makes it easy to get started with the platform. Grammarly helps bloggers by pointing out spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors with each blog post they write. This tool is beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills.


Canva is a free online tool that makes designing graphics and social media posts more accessible. It has millions of templates for you to choose from, including templates for social media posts and blog images. You can also create your designs from scratch. Canva is great for beginners who want to design their graphics quickly and easily without learning to use a computer program like Photoshop or InDesign.

If you’re looking for an easy way to create graphics for your blog that are on-brand and consistent with your brand guidelines, Canva is a great option. For example:

  • Use the “Social Media Image” template as a starting point for creating Facebook cover photos or Instagram posts. You can also use this template as the basis for making custom icons or buttons if needed.
  • The “Blog Post” template offers many options, including fonts, colors, spacing, and other features that make it easy to create beautiful blog images without having any design experience yourself!


With Buzzsumo, you can find the most popular content on a given topic. What’s great about this tool is that it analyzes each topic’s audience size by looking at social media shares. It helps you see what is gaining traction and how to use it when creating your content. You can also see the most shared articles on a given topic, which may help you generate ideas for your blogs.

With Buzzsumo’s “Top Content” section, you can see what posts are being shared most frequently in your niche and analyze why they’re so popular. You’ll also see who shares them most often and where they’re getting shared most often. This information will help you tailor future posts for maximum engagement with your audience based on their interests and preferences.

If you want to find out how well your content is doing, then Buzzsumo is a great tool. You can use it to see what pieces of content are performing best and which social media platforms they’re getting shared on most often.


Quora is an excellent platform for bloggers. It allows you to get ideas, find out what other people are doing, and learn from others. You can also use it to generate traffic, boost your readership, and grow your social following. It is a great resource and will help you improve your blog.

Quora is an excellent source for getting ideas. You can ask questions, and other users will answer them. You can also search through the questions that are already there. This way, you can find out what other people are asking and answering about your topic—and what they think of it.

Quora is an excellent source for generating traffic. The platform allows you to answer questions, ask questions, and even share your content. Creating content that resonates with the audience and gets upvoted will help bring more traffic to your blog or website. It is a great place to get ideas from. The more you answer questions, the more people will read your answers and click on the links you post.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a free WordPress plugin that helps you optimize your content for search engines. It’s one of the most popular SEO plugins in the world, with over 8 million active installs and a massive fan base. Yoast SEO is easy to use, fast, and accurate. It also helps you ensure that both humans and search engines easily find your content.

It allows you to perform keyword research, write better content and maintain its quality. But the most important thing is that Yoast SEO helps you reach more people with your posts by assisting them in finding you on Google. When using Yoast SEO, it’s essential to understand how it works because it can significantly impact your blog’s search engine optimization (SEO).

For many blog people, keyword research is integral to the writing process. Keywords are words or phrases people use to search for information about a topic on Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. In Yoast SEO, you’ll find a Meta Description tab in each article’s settings. Where you can change the text of this snippet without editing each post.


Trello is one of the most popular project management tools on the market. It’s easy to use and can be used for various tasks, including blog content creation. Trello is great for organizing your ideas, managing your team member’s contributions, and sharing information with others involved in the project.

You can use Trello for any project management task. Trello is incredibly versatile, so it can be adapted to your needs or the type of project you’re working on. It helps plan posts, write blog content on your site, and share ideas with other writers.

It’s useful for collaboration, storing information, and visual organization. It’s a great way to keep track of your ideas and projects as they progress from ideas to published blog posts. Trello can help you create a shared repository where you can store all your thoughts with other bloggers or friends in the same industry. For example, if you have an idea for a blog post about how to grow tomatoes, share it with others on Trello so they can add their thoughts or ideas.


Hemingway is a tool that helps you pre-design your blog easily. It’s free to use and doesn’t require registration or account creation to begin using it immediately. It takes the ease of writing down what content needs to be written and then making the changes easy by clicking the mouse once more than usual.

Hemingway is useful for more than just getting your words to fit on a page. It also gives you a readability score for each of your blog posts. This score is based on the Flesch-Kincaid formula, which uses statistics about sentence length and word vocabulary to assign a number between 0 and 100 that represents how easy it is to read the text. The higher this number, the more easily readable your content will be.

The best feature is that it highlights the sentence/paragraph that needs improvising. Hemingway highlights passive voice sentences, long and complex sentences, and hard-to-read sentences in red color. The green color indicates the good sentences which can be kept as it is. The orange shows that you should rewrite the sentence because it needs to be clarified what you are trying to say here.


With these right tools and strategies, you can grow your blog in 2024. To get started, we recommend focusing on traffic generation. Start by using one of these best blogging tools to do keyword research and find out what people are searching for on Google when they look for information related to your business or industry. Then use that data to craft content pieces that address their needs.

Once you’ve done your research, set up an account at one of these digital marketing agencies so they can help you create an effective digital marketing strategy geared toward reaching new customers—and increasing traffic.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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