Long Tail Keywords Vs Short Tail Keywords- What Should You Know
SEO experts often call them the lifeblood of search engines; yes we are talking about keywords.
But when it comes to do on-page SEO for your website, keywords are one of the biggest factors in determining the success or failure of your SEO campaign.
Here is what should you know about keywords in order to determine that which keywords should be used on your personal blog or website to get the massive visitors from search engines as well as to appear at the top of Google SERPs.
You will need to do proper homework and keyword research before deciding which ones to go for, long tail Keywords Vs short tail keywords.
Let we explain long tail keywords & short tail keywords first for you to help in choosing the right one for your SEO practice.
Short Tail Keywords
These are the keywords with 3 words or less. Let we explain by giving some easy to understand examples; “SEO Tips”, “Shopping List” and “Recipes” are some short tail keywords.
When you want to drive a big amount of visitors to your blog, use of short tail keywords would be the most effective way to do so.
But these are generally more competitive and harder to rank in search engines. But with a bit of hard work, it is possible to rank for these.
As a beginner, getting high ranks for short tail keywords would be a difficult job for you as these are highly competitive with a larger volume of monthly searches.
Long Tail Keywords
Long tail keywords are usually made with more than 3 words and they are undeniably a lot more targeted by the SEO experts. “Best SEO tips for beginners” is the perfect example of long tail keywords as its example for short tail stated in above lines.
According to a research, almost 70% and above of internet searches are made by using long tail keywords.
These are more expressive and enable you to target specific audience or visitors.
As we know that these keywords are more specific, you will receive fewer visitors to your website in results of SEO efforts by using the long tail keywords.
It is also true that long tail keywords bring the real visitors for what you are offering or providing.
Which Should You Use? Long Tail Keywords Vs Short Tail Keywords
After reading the first part of this writing about what should you know about keywords, now it’s time to decide which should you use in your SEO campaign in order to get high ranks in search engines and massive traffic as well.
Once the relationship between the competition and conversion rates of short tail and long tail keywords understood correctly, we strongly recommend you to use a combination of short tail and long tail keywords in your content in order to get maximum benefits.
By doing so, you can detain the visitors with a high intent to get something from you and also go up the ranks for short tail keywords in results.
When about to target long tail keywords, you have to create unique content with a minimum of 300 words for each of your webpages because longer content will offer you the more opportunity to add up long tail keywords logically.
If some of your long tail keywords are appearing in top SERPs, then you should go for short tail keywords as they will improve your overall SEO for the blog or website by providing you more traffic and higher click-through rates to secure visible places in SERPs.