5 Magento Personalization Strategies to Boost Revenue

The Ecommerce business is robust. Almost every day a number of e-commerce stores are launched online making the business tough and increasing the competition. To stand out you must enact a number of sales techniques and successful conversions. 

Managing your eCommerce platform

Try to implement strategies that will engage new purchasers and turn them into loyal customers while maintaining your existing customers. This will help you to generate more revenue.

As the technology advancement accelerates, your store must keep up or you will be left behind due to high competition. Understanding your customer behavior and then strategizing your business tactics accordingly is necessary.

If your store is running on the Magento then optimizing it as per your requirements and making it sales-ready gets simpler and easier. If your store is going through adversity, then you must buckle up to start an ecommerce store which will increase your revenue. 

Below we have mentioned 5 Magento Personalization Strategies which will Boost your Revenue:

1. Price and Offer Optimization

When pricing and offer are collectively strategized, it can boost your revenue a lot more than expected. Giving something out for free will excite the customer to enter your store. In this, you can use the tactic of “Buy one Get one free”.

Through customer behavior, it is observed that this is the most effective sales strategy. When a customer buys one item of utility and gets another one for free, it looks like a bonus. 

Magento 2 extension allows you to:

  • Create campaigns to promote your least and most expensive product
  • The offering of deals where you get free items
  • Organizing promotions based on finances

Using popular strategy of “Odd pricing” or “Psychological pricing” where the actual price is $10 but the tag says $9.97. It affects the buying behavior of the customers. Please start to believe that a particular product is offered at a reduced rate. 

2. Optimize your Homepage

Your homepage is the face of your website, it is the first thing someone sees when they enter your website. Customers are likely to visit your web page through direct links and landing pages

However, most of the clients are attracted via the home page of a website. Optimizing your homepage is crucial.

If your homepage is not impressive, the viewer will not browse more and would not even look at the products. The task of the homepage is to drive the visitors to the product or category page. Magento allows you to improvise your homepage and add call-to-action banners or sales banners and many more things while optimizing.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing might sound aged and cliché, but it is not, it can largely affect your business and generate revenue. Sometimes customers leave some abandoned items in their carts. 

It is your job to tell them and a reminder email can work best in this case. Emails are a more personal and direct way to communicate with your customer.

You can observe their buying pattern and make a specific recommendation with a well-formatted email. This policy will shoot up your level of sales. Emails build a loyal relationship with the customer which can help you in the long run.

4. Optimizing your Social Media share tabs!

Sharing drives more audience. When a friend recommends a product, you are more likely to purchase it. Useful products will be promoted and shared by customers on social media platforms. This feature will allow you to reach larger audience base. 

Optimize your website and add social media options as they are a crucial factor to boost sales. Pay attention to minute details like where you place the option. Examine the referral codes used by the consumers and check the one most used. This will show you what prompts the buyer to click on the share option.

5. Begin with loyalty programs!

Loyalty programs are a great idea to increase sales. It gives you an upper hand over your competition and other e-commerce stores. Offering more incentives to your customers will excite them to buy more. 

Magento 2 extension inculcates a powerful loyalty program that will turn your buyers to loyal customers through its automatic point earning and spending way. This allows the stores to increase their conversion rate. The customers get enticed to earn more coins and end up returning to buy more. 


Successfully running your store is a rigid job and by implementing bold strategies you can succeed in the business. 

Through your Magento store, you can combine all the above values and optimize your e-commerce website along with personalization to increase the users’ experience. 

If you truly want to stand out and increase your sales, then follow the steps mentioned above and see how satisfying the outcomes are.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of nogentech.org, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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