Mobile Optimization: How To Do It For Your Business Website?
In this modern age of smartphones, versatile tablets, and accessible internet connection, you don’t need Google to tell you that an average person usually spends most of their time on their mobile device. Searching for information and services online has become more accessible than ever, and that means that every company with a footprint in the world wide web is stepping up their game.
It’s certainly not the time to get left behind — which is why you need to make sure that your own business’ website has a strong presence and is effective for mobile device users. Sounds like a daunting task? Don’t worry! Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when making your business website mobile-friendly.
1- Simplicity is Key
When you have a platform to talk about everything that your company is about, it’s very tempting to fill it with plenty of details in an attempt not to miss anything. However, it’s essential to keep your information short and simple. Edit out those long — and what seems like endless — paragraphs, and leave only those that are essential to your core and relevant to your users. You don’t want your visitors to lose interest, and any critical information should be easily found, especially now that Google and other bigwigs are starting to move towards mobile-first indexing.
2- Readable Print
It sounds like anyone with common sense should be able to figure this out. You need to realize that people will be reading your content from devices with smaller screens than a desktop computer. The text needs to be in a size that doesn’t require zooming in or turning the mobile phones horizontally. If in doubt, try checking out your website using your mobile device. Doing so will tell you if everything is in a size and scale that is easy on the eyes.
3- Interactive format
Your customers will no longer be browsing your website with a very convenient mouse that can point and click on minute links. They’ll now be scrolling and tapping with their fingers, so you need to deliver information on a page that is easy to navigate. Use big buttons so that even the biggest thumbs won’t have a hard time picking them out. Drop down menus can be tricky, especially if you offer a lot of options. Try considering a design that allows users to easily go through a page and tap on their choice. Also, make sure that your website works with most common touch-based gesture capabilities.
4- Fast Loading Speed
Load time is one of the major, if not the most crucial, factors that affect user experience when visiting a website, and it can be very detrimental if your page loads atan super-slow rate. Most mobile users expect to get the info they need right away. Now you can meet this demand by following simple tips like resizing the images that you use or reducing the content on your page.
5- The Power of Images
Not only do they affect your loading speed, but they’re also vital in catching users’ attention. So make sure that your videos and images are of the best quality — without compromising the functionality of your website. Again, you might want to determine if you’re able to access them on your mobile device. Not all images and media work on mobile.
6- Rethink Your Pop Up Ads
It can drive anyone crazy if a small ad window keeps popping up every now and then. Try limiting the number of pop-ups that appear on your page. It’s most likely not possible to eliminate all of them from a business standpoint, so make sure that they load quickly and are easy to close. As they say, the “X” marks the spot, so don’t give your users a hard time when it comes to finding it and clicking it.
Mobile optimization is the future. As more users are switching to mobile devices it’s essential that you optimize for it too. You’ll undoubtedly be on your way once you’ve ticked the points that we’ve discussed above from your to-do list. It’s perfectly understandable that not everyone has the experience to identify the things that need working on, nor does everybody have the technical know-how to tackle all of these and make them work for your website. So if you have no idea about where to start, it’s advisable to look for a UI/UX design agency that can help you out. Before you know it, you’ll be driving mobile internet traffic to your website and on to success!