Expert PPC insights for automotive marketers – A sneak peak into what they have to say


This year’s biggest news is that automotive marketers are introducing campaigns for remarketing on Google search! Until the month of May, 2017, automotive marketers couldn’t create display campaigns and dynamic retargeting in Google Display Network just due to the fact that there were no supporting systems which could connect the inventory of a dealer to business data of AdWords.

But now you can also find vehicles in a remarketing campaign which are fueled by technology based on machine learning on search & display channels. As this is the first year for the automotive marketers, we should reach the base of this new thing. After an interview with an expert PPC analyst, someone is working with Mudd Advertising, here are few of his insights that he shared. Let’s take a look.

  • Consistency of results

The issue that they looked forward to repair while they put all their clients on active campaigns was generalizing results through different accounts. The managers of the campaign didn’t have any standardized or systematic method of optimizing campaigns. Each account and each campaign used to get different results. The employees got doubtful due to the constant uncertain results which in turn lead to stress among everyone. This was when he started finding an active remarketing option in order to watch out for standards, simplicity and consistency of results.

  • Insights driven by data

They felt there was a chance to apply active and strategic campaigns to all searches related to automobile, to the data which people have been searching for cars, which can be drawn from the inventory feed of a dealership. This opportunity was to utilize their data as elemental structure for different campaigns. By leveraging dynamic campaigns, they could target automobile queries which were based on the year, condition, model and make of the car. This is purely a solution driven by data which permitted them to enhance the structure and leverage the inventory of the client for creation of ads.

  • Display and retargeting/remarketing

They even noticed a lucrative chance in the area of display and remarketing/retargeting which became available via AdWords to different e-commerce firms. The only problem was that the vehicle-related products were forbidden and considered as a disqualifying thing in Merchant Center. Google provides different data on business for automotive marketers and dealerships to update CSVs but there is no dealership which has got enough expertise to create a definite type of system. Therefore they’re now the very first company who will operate campaigns on display remarketing.

  • Dynamic creative optimization (DCO) vs. dynamic display

Dynamic Creative Optimization or DCO is a process of performing media purchases through the process of RTB or real-time bidding exchanges where they offer a single inventory feed which is offered and dynamic creative are displayed. The properties that are there on one aren’t there on the remaining ones. The clients have got entry to active display remarketing campaigns .

Setting up dynamic campaigns

The foremost step to take is to receive a feed of the inventory of the dealer. Moreover, the feed should include all basic information on every single vehicle, its condition, VIN, make, model, price, year of manufacturing and many other such details. To help yourself build Google feed, you will require all such details. Obtaining the inventory feed seems rather simple and you will find services which will perform this on your behalf at a nominal cost.

Therefore, all this above mentioned information is just speculation but experts believe that digital ads are moving towards becoming totally dynamic, where ads will be automated and totally data-driven.


Amit Singh is a talented tech and business content writer hailing from India. With a passion for technology and a knack for crafting engaging content, Amit has established himself as a proficient writer in the industry. He possesses a deep understanding of the latest trends and advancements in the tech world, enabling him to deliver insightful and informative articles, blog posts, and whitepapers.

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