Windows Or Linux Hosting: Which Is Better? 

One of the most important decisions an online business owner will have to make is choosing the right web hosting provider for their website needs. There are many different options available, ranging from shared to dedicated servers. But picking the most perfect and appropriate hosting solution requires profound analysis. You’ll need to ensure the host provides enough space, speed, and security to make your site accessible. The two major types of web hosting are Windows and Linux hosting.

Windows and Linux are two completely different operating systems offering virtual private server (VPS) services. While using both have their own advantages, they also have their drawbacks. So, which one is better? This post looks at some of the biggest differences between them across multiple aspects so you can decide for yourself. Keep on reading to learn more. 

  1. Speed

The speed of a website is determined by multiple factors including the host, the type of server it’s on, and how many resources are allocated to that server. 

Linux being lightweight means it’s generally faster than Windows hosting. It’s one of its biggest advantages. Also, with it being open-source, Linux has more people contributing to its development and growth than Windows. However, its VPS requires a certain level of expertise as you may need to edit configuration files manually to make it work as fast as you want.

Unlike Linux hosting, Windows hosting can be a tad bit slower. Its VPS also tends to work more efficiently with Windows-based applications on a server. Some VPS companies, such as JavaPipe, can provide easy upgrades, robust hardware, reliable carriers, and advanced VPS control panels. These features can scale your hosting speed while offering flexible, cost-effective options.

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  1. User Interface

Another distinguishing factor between Windows and Linux hosting is the user interface. If you’re looking for an intuitive, user-friendly design that allows ease of access, Windows hosting may be the way to go – ease of use is imprinted in its platform as part of the system’s selling point. 

On the other hand, the user interface on Linux servers is generally more complicated than the one for Windows. Unlike Windows hosting based on a GUI (Graphical User Interface), Linux uses a command-line interface that requires you to type commands to complete tasks. This can make it more difficult for non-technical people to use and can cause issues with updates and upgrades. If you’re looking for something easy to set up, maintain, and update, then Linux hosting may not suit you.

  1. Licensing And Cost

Regarding licensing and cost, Windows hosting is often the more expensive option. This is because you’ll be paying for a Windows Server license and the web hosting service itself. You may also have additional costs associated with hiring a third-party IT professional or programmer when setting up your system. Still, it’s worth its cost if you’re looking at how easier it allows you to use the programming language ASP.NET and other similar perks. 

Linux, meanwhile, is open-source and free to use. This can save you a significant amount of money over the long run, especially if your site is still in its infancy and money is tight. But there are some limitations to this hosting that may make it unsuitable for certain types of sites. 

  1. Technical Support

Technical support means the help services software and hardware companies render users to solve an issue or set up a process. Linux and Windows servers offer this help online through social media or on-demand messaging. But Windows tends to be more consistent with its support for small or large companies. Unlike Linux, whose help generally comes from contributors on online discussion boards to its open-source platform, Windows has experts designated for technical support. These professionals ensure software compatibility and easy integration of your server with tools.

  1. Popularity

Windows or Linux hosting which is better? While both systems have large user bases, Windows hosting has been adapted and seen more support from large corporations. This can be especially important if you want to create a site that uses cutting-edge technology or needs to work with other corporate systems. The server also boasts more experience than Linux.

Being open-source, Linux is a more popular operating system than Windows. Many web hosting providers offer it as an option. This means that it’s easier to find a provider that supports Linux hosting and install your site on one of their servers. Additionally, there are more resources available for setting up and maintaining a Linux-based website than there are for other types of hosting services. Linux is favorably seen in smaller business circles, coding enthusiasts’ groups, and beginner administrators.  


The question of ‘Windows or Linux hosting which is better?’ doesn’t hold a single, straightforward response. The answer to this question comes down to what you or your business needs and how you plan on using your website. 

Both servers have strengths and weaknesses. Windows and Linux hosting boast unique features. If you’re unsure which one to go for, it might be a good idea to start with the option you’re more familiar with. This will give you plenty of flexibility while saving time and effort. Hopefully, the guide above has given you useful insights regarding the pros and cons of picking a particular hosting service.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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