Smart Tips for Running a Productive Video Conference Call
Video conferencing is speedily becoming the primary and most effective way for organizations and businesses to communicate with employees, suppliers and other concerns. In this current situation of global emergency due to coronavirus pandemic, utilization of remote working tools like video calling has become dominant to effective business endurance. Not only this, but video conferencing can also save business resources in terms of travel costs & time and boost productivity as well in this advanced business landscape.
As different video conference call services increase the ability of a business or company to effectively unite teams and increase communication, here is a bunch of smart tips for running productive video conference calls to stay proficiently connected with your teams.
Plan Your Call
Pre-meeting planning is a key element of successful and productive business meetings and video conference call is no exception. An unplanned call usually ends up derailing the call and a waste of time. That is the reason, you need to make sure the video conference begins with an agenda, in the right environment and on time. If you are on leave and unable to dress well in professional attire, but you must be dressed well when joining a video conference call from home.
Create and Send an Agenda Prior to the Conference
Just like traditional business meetings, an agenda is a vital element to make a video conference successful and productive too. It enables the attendees or guest callers the core purpose of the conference and things should be discussed during the call. It will help them get ready for the e-meeting/video conference ahead of time. Agenda can be distributed via email or any other communication and collaboration tool used by the organization.
Keep Time Zones in Mind
Video conference calls are usually made among overseas remote workers and employees. That is the reason, different time zones should be considered before choosing a final time for the call. Also, make sure to pick a time that will work for all guests. Selecting an incorrect time for the video conference calls can cause confusion to make the call less productive.
Dress Properly
As video conferences are conducted among different professionals of an organization or company, attendees should be dressed well to represent the professionalism of the business or company. Multicolored outfits are prohibited by experts during a video conference.
Get Rid of Distractions
Make sure you are in a peaceful and distraction-free environment before joining e-meeting. Also, remove any obstacle in the line of the camera of your device for a smooth and distraction-free video conference. Turn all the notifications off to make sure you will never be distracted during a professional video conference.
Make Sure to have a Stable Internet Connection
A stable internet connection is another thing you should consider before joining a video conference. When the internet connection is slow and unstable, it can cause a visual distraction to have an adverse effect on the overall efficiency of video conference. Connecting a desktop or laptop to the internet with LAN cable instead of Wi-Fi, guarantee a stable internet connection to make a video call successful and productive.
Select a Good Video Conferencing Solution
Selecting a high-quality video call solution is another tip to make a video conference productive. A lot of cloud meeting solutions are out there in the market and come with amazing features like real-time screen sharing, document editing and so on. Most of the businesses use personalized communication solutions to conduct video conferences for better outcomes. While choosing a video conference solution, a business or company needs to make sure it is compatible with different operating systems so everyone can join the call effortlessly.
Never Speak at the same Time when Someone Else is Speaking
When there are a lot of guests in a video call, it becomes difficult to speak at the perfect time. One should be patient and refrain from speaking when another participating is expressing his/her views. The host should also control the queries and provide every participant with an equal opportunity to get an opinion. The host can also play a significant role in making a video conference call productive by managing different aspects of the meeting efficiently.
Recording and Feedback
As meeting minutes are important, a video conference call should be recorded to document the points and issues discussed during the conference. It will also help you bring others on the same page who were unable to join. For this purpose, you should consider a video call solution that allows you to record the call without any additional efforts.