Essential Blog Design Tips – Make Your Blog Awesome

Best Blog Design Tips For Your Blog

A blog that has informative stuff but not easy to read, will not get prominence among internet geeks even it has a bunch of useful information and data that worth million $$$. The better design and overall layout of a blog is, the more outstanding it will be for the readers.

That’s why; blog design has great significance in this digital age of life where people read blogs to obtain useful information not only about business but to get personal issues resolved as well.

When it comes to make your blog appealing, you should not try to look like another one but use your own creative ideas to bring a great appearance to your blog.

Below are some blog design tips to make your blog awesome enough in order to make people stick with it, subscribe and return to get some more from your side.

Best Design Tips To Make Your Blog Standout

Put a glance at these steps you should follow to create a great looking blog design not only to get more visits but to make Google love your blog as well.

Be Cautious About Font Style and Color Combination

In order to make your blog awesome and pleasing to eyes for your readers, just use three fonts and colors as a maximum.

Because adding too much variety and colorful stuff can be a very bad thing that will not only confuse your readers but will discourage them as well to come back again in future.

Logo and tagline of your blog will remain same so be careful about writing it with catchy but sober fonts and colors.

Choose a perfect font for headings and another one to compose the entire blog post. It would be the great combination for your blog to attract more visits as well as to turn search engine visitors into permanent readers.

Design tips to make your blog awesome


Use a Light Background

Your blog should be reader-friendly and easy to read as well.

For this purpose, try to stick with white or a light pleasing to eyes background for your all pages instead of too much contrasts and dark eye-killing colors.

Unique and Appealing Logo

A beautifully designed logo is one of the most important things in your business branding that makes your brand be prominent in the crowd of competitors.

Creating a unique logo for your blog can add a great value to the overall layout of your blog that readers will love also.

As a blogger, if you don’t own creative designing skills to design an awesome logo, then make use of a free logo maker or hire a professional designer if you can afford some bucks for this purpose.

Unique and Appealing Logo

Make your Blog Posts Easy to Read and Digest

You must be a creative writer in order to get success in blogging. When you write blog posts, it is vital for you to write them in a way that readers can easily read and digest as well without facing troubles.

It is one of the best tips to make your blog awesome because people land your blog to get something informative and useful.

After writing a killer blog post title, Divide your all blog posts into section and use subheading to let readers know that what they are actually about to read next.

Always write content for humans not for bots, that’s why you should not spin your target keywords into the content poorly.

Use a writing tone that is easy to understand and also keep your paragraphs relatively short and relative to the previous and next one. Check out this tiny blog post checklist to improve your writing.

Blog design tips to make your blog awesome

Use Popular, Recent & Featured Sections

Instead of cluttering your side bad with useless and ugly widgets, use popular, recent & featured posts sections on your blog in order to engage the audience with content you have recently published.

By doing so, your readers will easily be able to read your popular and breaking content instead of searching through the pages.

Adding a widget with titles of popular, latest and featured post could be one of the best blog design tips to make your blog awesome.

Blog design tips to make your blog awesome

Include Call to Action

It shouldn’t be irritating but added creatively in the blog to provide a better user experience instead of overwhelming the readers.

A catchy and appealing call to action is a vital thing for your blog in order to boost conversion rate.

Take care that your call to action is high-flying on your favorite landing page and working properly as well.

Try to make them appear when a reader finishes the reading, it will help you improve the user experience as well as to get more conversions in results.

About the Author

One of the most important blog design tip that most of the busy blogger leave out is adding the about the author section that appears at the end of each blog post.

It’s always great and beneficial to display the short author bio with his or her visible headshot.

Something should not be long there, just the heading ‘about the author’, a brief intro & interests and a pleasing avatar (as shown in below example), all done for the blog designing and let you enjoy the huge traffic including new visitors every day.

Blog design tips to make your blog awesome

Noman Sarwar

Noman Sarwar is highly experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website or brand. He is creating content for multiple niches like technology, SEO, Marketing, Health, Education and Career Development etc. Let the right words be offered to the audience in a great way that has the potential to ensure success and get something you are looking for.

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