Email Spammer Bot- How to Protect your Website from Spambots

Protection from being used wrong

In this age of robotics, for sending spam messages and emails spam-bots are common. If one can ask What would a spammer gain in doing such illegal acts of distraction, the answer is ‘Nothing’, but some PR or publicity. Here comes the point, people are using technology websites at wider levels, but for spam, no matter what the gain is! Non-sense! But Protection must be the first priority on the part of the users of the website.

We can say, in this age of E-commerce even the trash is worth selling, the same is the case with spambots to any website. This should be watched carefully to avoid scams on your website. Let’s dive deep into the workings of spambots on the websites and the ways to protect your website from manipulation.

Prevention is Better than Cure!

The first thing is to identify the spambots and for this reason, I’ll tell you about the basic modes of spammers and their designs. Here are some types or shades of spam-bots

1 Email Spam

Junk emails and messages are very common and are easily filtered in mailing accounts. But sometimes these may trap the user and manipulate for hacking and hijacking also. Some examples are;

  1. Sneaky Spams
  2. General Outreach Spams
  3. “Biz op” spam
  4. Fake Gifts and Prizes
  5. “Delivery Fail” Scam

Anyone used to send Emails and messages often receives some ‘Delivery Fail’ as notification because they have misspelled some characters in the address. But these also have the chance to be sent by some spammer who is using your address or website.

2 Phishing

A phisher uses some stealing tactics to get Illegal access to user data. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading as a trusted entity, dupes a victim into opening an email, instant message, or some text message.

3 Vishing

Tele-scam or scam on a phone call by using one’s mobile after stealing the personal information of somebody. Voice phishing is a cyber-crime and used to be-fool a person and get all the confidential information of the victim. The Confidential information can be the details of the bank account to social media account.

4 Baiting 

A Cybercriminal lures his/her victim into some trap with some Bait. A spammer lures users into a trap that steals their personal information or inflicts their systems with malware or virus.

5 Quid Pro Quo

A favour for a Favour means providing something and getting the desired thing in return. It can be a business tactic but sometimes assumes the shape of a spam-bot.

6 Comment Spam

Comment spam is a term that gives a broad category of Spam-bots or spammer postings. These abuse web-based forms to post unsolicited advertisements; like comments on forums, blogs, wikis, and online guestbooks

7 Trackback Spam

Trashback spasms are a type of scam in communication when it serves the wrong designs of some criminal minds. Although these are used to notify one website about some other website; might be for fraud, yet they have a positive outlook anyway.

8 Negative SEO Attack

Balck-hat SEO means the malicious tactics to mar your reputation on your website, by using spam Keywords to let your users go astray. 

9 Spiders, Bots and DDoS Attacks

Spider or crawler bots the web by using the downloading menu which needs some permission, which shouldn’t be allowed. But one easily falls into the trap while using free apps on the web and on websites.

General Affiliate Scrap Spam

General Affiliate fraud is a false or unscrupulous activity conducted to generate commissions. These are using some software to click, or spamming email from a referral link, some naive persons can click and engulf them in a trap.

Prevention from Spammer Bot

There are many preventive methods to stop being manipulated by the spammer and also the spambots. Here are some suggestions widely used with open acceptability;

  1. Use a CAPTCHA
  2. Add a Test Question to your form
  3. Add an extra unseen field or honey-pot
  4. Block Comment Spam
  5. Use a double opt in form
  6. Hide Target Request
  7. Implement Time Analysis 
  8. Form validation after Geo-location of the IP Address
  9. Use a third party anti-spam filter
  10. Never respond to Spam 
  11. Use changed or daubed Email address 
  12. Train Spam filters often

Above all, for using Technology one must be aware of the frauds and scams and should remain careful. A real Email will always address you with your Name; either First name or Last name. We must be careful when using the Internet. Although there is much software that helps you protect yourself from falling into a trap to fraudulent activities. There are many tricks and strategies but watchfulness is the most effective one. Scams are the fraud and spam are the filtered traps. One can prevent spam & fake registrations by bots, stop spambot traffic, and attacks in real-time with “Radware Bot Manager”. It’ll stop malicious spam-bots.

Qasim Mushtaq

Qasim experienced in creating engaging content that adds real value to a blog, website, or brand.

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