Content Marketing

6 Proven Ways to Improve the Value of your Content

It goes without saying that content holds vital importance when it comes to improving its ranking. If the content is copied or unengaging, it will do more harm than good to your website. On the other hand, appealing and captivating content will capture the interest of your target audience. The traffic will increase, and so will the chances of lead generation. As a result, your bottom line will be improved and you will successfully be able to outpace your competitors as well.

So, before you hire an SEO agency in New York, it’s important that you should get quality content written from an experienced writer for your website. Otherwise, the money, time and effort you are investing in the SEO wouldn’t produce desired results.

On this note, let’s take a look at ways you can improve the value of your content:

1.          Focus on the Headline

Writing a headline is like creating a first impression, and there’s no room for error when it comes to both these things. In very simple words, if the headline of your content is not catchy enough, it’s going to drive the reader/visitor away.

Avoid using too many fancy/difficult words to make it appealing. It can also have an opposite impact. Neither should it be too plain. You need to strike the right balance between being too plain or fancy. It can be a question or an impactful statement. It should clearly summarize what the content is about. There should be no confusion or ambiguity. And the main part, it should be attention-grabbing.

2.          Always Focus on Quality

Sure, long-form content provides more value but you do not have to compromise the quality for writing it. Simply picture this, if there’s a 3000-word guide in front of you, and the very first line of the content doesn’t grab your interest, or there’s a mistake in it. What would you do? Most people will abandon that website.

In comparison, if there’s 500-word content, but its quality is premium, you would definitely want to continue reading it. And if the keywords are placed at strategic locations, it will help to improve your website’s ranking as well. A win-win situation in every way!

3.          Identify Target Audience and Write for Them

It is one of the most important things that must be taken into account when writing content. Before penning down your ideas, identify your target audience. If you are selling some products or services, analyze the audience who would be interested in buying them. And when writing content, your focus should be on the target audience only. It will also help to define the tone of your content.

4.          Do A Lot of Research

The rule of thumb is that you need to do research and a lot of it. From the selection of the idea to what you are going to cover in the content, every aspect of content writing needs to be researched. Other than that, make sure the content includes relevant data as well. It helps to give your content a more authentic feel.

Furthermore, you should also do research on what your competitors are writing. This will help you write better than them.

When researching for ideas, think of evergreen topics. They can help you to get more traffic all year round. Also, be sure there’s no repetition or copied content. Maintain consistency throughout in terms of quality and tone.

5.          Make Your Content Readable

This is where many people falter. Their idea is great, and so is the outline. But when it comes to readability, the score is on the lower side.

The readability of the content can be improved by writing in active voice, using short sentences and keeping paragraphs short. There are numerous tools you can use to know about the readability score of your content.

6.          Take the Help of Graphics

Another way to add value to your content is to use graphics. You can add videos, images, charts, tables etc. and a lot more types of graphics relevant to your content. Make sure the graphics you are using do not lead to copyright issues. Moreover, their placement matters a lot as well. The right placement of images, video and other types of graphics will improve the value of the content. If they are inappropriately placed or too big or small in size, they will turn away the visitors.

Other than that, pay attention to the logo, icon and other details as well. They also play a major role in defining the overall look of your content.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, quality content is integral for the best performance of a website. It should have an appropriate length and contain keywords in the right place. For the latter, you can take the help of yourlocal SEO consultant.They can identify the keywords for you, which the writer will then place in the content. 

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik Technology geek by heart, blogger by passion, and founder of, He regularly explores ideas and ways how advanced technology helps individuals, brands and businesses survive and thrive in this competitive landscape. He tends to share the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the community built around Nogentech.

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