10 Content Marketing Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Website
Content is king, they say, well that’s true. But a king alone is not enough to run the country, is it? There needs to be a cunning minister, a hardworking secretary too, to make the whole thing a success.
It is useless to have extremely meaningful content on a website if nobody except the writer knows about it. It is as good as none. Good content needs to reach the right kind of people and at the right time. This is what the search engines think makes content a successful one.
Content marketing ensures that your content reaches the people who are looking out for your business online. This ensures that they see you as an authority in your sector and builds trust.
However, it is not always easy to get the traffic desired on your website. So how does one ensure website traffic? And how does one ensure that the traffic stays loyal to your website and comes back for more each time? Having irrelevant content is one of the biggest content marketing threats. Understand that a lot of businesses are targeting the same audiences like you. You would find it difficult to survive or to be noticed if you do not have a content marketing strategy that is functional and better than the rest.
So let’s start bringing in that traffic to your website with the right content marketing tips in the biz.
Here are 10 content marketing tips to drive more traffic to your website:
1. Advertise, Advertise and Advertise:
This advice is obvious, isn’t it? However, this is also where a lot of businesses go wrong. You can invest in paid searches, social media advertising and also in display advertising. These methods are aimed at focusing on your targeted keywords and working for your website in a customized manner. It could seem costly to begin with but is absolutely worth every penny. Because, you just don’t want traffic to come to your website, you also want them to stay with you.
You can not just start your blogging assignment without a target in mind. You must create content for your website based on your audience’s buyer’s journey. This will strategically answer queries that your customers have at different stages of their journey. It will ensure that they come back to you and make a purchase when they have the need.
2. Take help from social media
Not taking help from social media in today’s date is like not opening the door to Santa when he is here to deliver your gifts. This ignorance will pull your business down as your competitors are making effective use of the same while you aren’t.
The other day I heard a business owner talking about how confident she is about the quality content she puts up on her website. That sounded fine until she said she doesn’t advertise it for the same reason.
Make use of different social media platforms to spread the word about your content. It could be Instagram if you share content in the form of attractive pictures or Medium if it’s in long blog form. You can also monitor where your traffic comes from and make appropriate changes accordingly.
3. Seductively write headlines to garner attention:
Headlines can make or break your deal. A good content body with a bland headline is as good as a Ferrero wrapped in a bland oatmeal cookie wrapper to me.
Headlines are the first thing a reader sees when approaching a blog. A good headline is supposed to give a brief yet clear idea about the topic. It has to be smart enough to make the reader want to go further. It needs to make the reader feel the excitement to know about the topic.
Every good headline that you see on the web today is a result of multiple attempts of keyword play. So experiment well and wisely before you hit on the publish button.
4. On-page SEO is crucial
Optimizing your website content is not usually a long process, but it surely results greatly. It’s all about writing the right meta descriptions, finding the right keywords and internal linking, etc.
5. Mix things up
Everybody loves a mix! It could be while you eat and also while you consume data on the web. Experiment with your content. It could be in long-form blog format, infographics and also in video formats. This will ensure your website has something for everybody to stay glued to.
6. Focus on your long-tail keywords:
There are high intent keywords, popular keywords, and then long-tail keywords. Understand that long-tail keywords are the most sought-after keywords on search engines. You will lose out if you don’t include them in your paid searches and SEO efforts. Long-tail keywords have become relevant for everything, be it a blog or while one is experimenting with investigative research methods.
7. Encourage others to guest blog on your website:
Nothing speaks well about you as well as when a competitor praises you. When you ask other authority figures in your niche to write on your website, they bring traffic. They will link this content and bring in their traffic to your website.
8. Link internally and do it right:
Google notices when other websites link to your content. But Google also notices how well you have linked to your previous content. This shows that you know how reliable your content is in giving the right information. Hence, you must have a strategic internal linking structure.
9. Ensure that your website is responsive:
Nobody likes it when their questions aren’t answered. People love it when they find their answers on the first go. You can either choose to be the one answering them and having their attention or let someone else grab it.
10. Check if your website is fast enough:
How do you like it when a page buffers while you keep waiting for it to respond to your query? It’s quite frustrating, to say the least. Customers are sure to just go back and look for the next best option available to them.
Understand that customers are fickle and will be happy to shift attention to the next person/website offering them attention. And there are quite many doing the same. You don’t want to be the one business that is failing just because its website takes its own sweet time to load. So be prompt and keep checking your loading time at frequent intervals.